Describe yourself in three words:
How would you describe your hopes and desires for your life?
Psalm 145:4 is my constant prayer: “Generation after generation will declare more of your greatness and declare more of your glory.” I am blessed to be a part of a generation of men and women who loved and served God passionately. The legacy that I walk in today feels like a sacred entrustment that I am called to carry and steward for the generations to come.
As John and I planted and pastored Relate Church for 34 years and have been privileged to travel and speak around the world, we are aware that life, marriage, family, and ministry are so much bigger than us. The best is yet to come, and the generations coming after us must champion this vision into a glorious future as they walk out their callings in Christ.
Who or what inspires you, and why?
I’m inspired by what I see happening among young people today. I have never observed a greater hunger for truth and mentorship from youth. Although they can ask Google or Siri for quick answers and listen to endless fantastic podcasts, young people are desperate for deep and meaningful conversations with a grandmother like me. It makes me very aware that in a time of brokenness within relationships and families in our world, there is such a hunger for generational connection, and every heart and voice matters.